Thursday, July 21, 2005


"´A unique Sunday newspaper,´" reads the billboard promoting the Czech media's newborn baby: the Western-style Sunday paper Nedelni svet (The Sunday World).

"The first issue of Nedelni svet launched April 18 amid the hubbub of the Ice Hockey World Championship with 500,000 copies distributed nationwide free of charge. Unlike Czech weekly news publications that analyze social and political events of the past week, Editor-in-Chief Ondrej Neumann says Nedelni svet is a ´source of information about Saturday events and provides reading material for the whole family.´"

"The paper consists of four sections. The first offers domestic and international news and editorials. The second is aimed at male readers keen on sports and cars. The third part targets female readers and provides coverage of travel, society, fashion and cooking, including tips on things to do on a Sunday. The final section focuses on culture and analytical pieces."

"In the long run, Nedelni svet aims to resemble the Western Sunday press in terms of setting the information agenda for the following week. ´That is the path we would like to follow,´ Neumann says."

"The paper's staff published their first exclusive May 9, a report on Agriculture Minister Jaroslav Palas' state car, an Audi, allegedly exceeding the speed limit. Media outlets throughout the country subsequently picked up the story."

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